Courtney Coffey » 7th Grade Math

7th Grade Math

My name is Courtney Coffey, and I am excited to be teaching 7th grade math this year! This is my 12th year in education and 10th year teaching middle school math. I graduated from Lander University in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. I have added gifted and talented certification as well as middle level math certification since graduating. I received my Master's in Montessori Education in 2021. I am married to Cameron Coffey and we have two beautiful little girls, Laurel and Alaina. I absolutely LOVE teaching and working with students! I am so excited to be teaching in the same district I grew up! Please reach out if you have any questions! 
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Courtney Coffey
Math Teacher
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Homeroom: 8:00-8:25
1st Block: 8:27-9:58
2nd Block: 10:01-11:34
3rd Block: 11:37-12:22
Lunch: 12:22-12:57
3rd Block: 1:00-1:48
4th Block: 1:51-3:20
Planning: 1:51-3:20